Frequently Asked Questions Use the frequently asked questions below to discover more about Wellbeing and the resources available on the site. About the Wellbeing Finder and Daily Tracker What are the Wellbeing Finder and Daily Tracker? Why should I take the Wellbeing Finder? Why is demographic information needed? Are my individual results confidential? Subscription What does a subscription to the Wellbeing program include, and how do I start one? Do I have to buy the book to obtain a subscription to the Wellbeing program? Can I get a refund for my subscription? Taking the Wellbeing Finder and Daily Tracker How often should I take the Wellbeing Finder or Daily Tracker? What age group can take the Wellbeing Finder and Daily Tracker? What should I do if I am interrupted while taking the assessment? Are the assessments available in other languages? The Five Essential Elements of Wellbeing What are the five essential elements of wellbeing? How did Gallup come up with the five elements of wellbeing? Which of the five elements is most important? Wellbeing What is wellbeing? How can I improve my wellbeing? What are the wellbeing zones (thriving, struggling, suffering)?